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Crazy...Who me?...I'm crazy as hell and I like it....

Thinking about life in a different angle? Good...Some day or the other we all had to. It's only that now we exactly start working upon it. Things in life, after a point of time, are never what they were used to be some weird years ago. This realization came to me recently. This is a good realization cause if it happened any later, I would've end up thinking that I'm some kind of a fool who didn't think on the same lines earlier. God, my crazy life. has shown me some very strange things. I sometimes sit back and think. Oh wow!!! My life was seriously a roller-coaster ride filled with the most crazy shit that I could ever go through. Multiple failed attempts at love and relationships, changing so many jobs, not being able to manage my finances well, drinking to the point of crazy where even the word crazy gets afraid and bows down. I mean, I've been through horrid shit and still I'm standing. Well, who would've thought of doing some shit crazy as I have
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Bad memories

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Seeing through the fog

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What is Life?

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Why is life so weird and pathetic?

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